Do I need to schedule an appointment for an estimate?
Yes, an appointment is needed for an estimate. Please contact our office at
808-621-4888 to schedule an appointment.
How long does an estimate appointment usually take?
An estimate appointment usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the damages and the questions you may have.
What are your business hours?
We are open Monday - Friday from 7:30am to 4:00pm. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We DO NOT accept personal checks. However, we accept cash and all major credit cards. We also accept cashiers check.
Where do I get a claim number from?
When reporting the damages to your insurance company, they'll provide a claim number to you. Please have the claim number handy when contacting us as it will help us with the repair process.
Do you folks offer loaner vehicles?
Unfortunately, we do not. But we'll be glad to assist you with the process of getting a rental.
How do I arrange for a rental car?
The first thing to do is to check with your insurance company if your policy offers rental coverage. If it does, inform your insurance agency of your scheduled repairs and they'lll set up a rental arrangement for you. On the day you drop off your vehicle for repairs, we'll call the rental agency courtesy shuttle to pick you up from our shop.
When the repairs are complete on my vehicle and I'm in a rental, how do I go about returning it?
As soon as we contact you that your vehicle repairs are complete, you'll go ahead and drop off the rental to our shop. One of our office staff will contact the rental company to let them know that the rental has been dropped off by the customer and is ready to be picked up and closed out. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the rental company has implemented new pick up and drop off procedures.
How long will my repairs take?
After the estimator completes his visual assessment and estimate, he'll be able to determine how many days it will take to complete your vehicle repairs. However, please keep in mind that not all visible damage may be seen at the time of the initial inspection, causing a delay in the repairs. If such a situation does arise, one of our office staff will be in contact with you.